
The story begins with the main character Pixalo waking up in bed. He then proceeds to go about a fairly normal morning routine of having breakfast and a shower amongst other things so as to get ready to depart for work. The variety of materials used at this stage will be minimal and the animation will be solely two dimensional.

As Pixalo steps outside his house, the world is suddenly more three dimensional. At this point the environment comes alive and the journey to work transforms into a battle with the theme of a platforming game. He must jump and weave his way through buildings and around obstacles, that of which will include every day inanimate objects to incorporate anthropomorphism. A mouldable material will also make up some obstacles to allow for examples of metamorphosis.

Through progression Pixalo will encounter items that will act as power ups to help deal with the obstacles. There will also be a health gauge which will be influenced from him getting attacked by various objects. All of the while making it closer to his destination of work.

When Pixalo finally reaches work and gets inside everything is back to two dimensions. He relaxes, sits down and recovers for a moment. Then a wave of objects from outside that he had beaten burst in from every entry and engulf him. The health gauge is reduced to nothing and a game over screen is shown to end with.

Beat Script

1. Pixalo wakes up in his bed   (Close up)[Relaxed music]
2. Gets up and has a shower then gets dressed
3. Goes into the kitchen and has something to eat
4. Collects his things and heads toward the door
5. Steps outside  (Camera zooms out to see the city)
6. Heads up display, platforms and obstacles appear   [Intense music starts]
7. Pixalo starts moving his way from left side to right side of frame
8. A series of confrontations occur. These may include:
--- Attacked by forks and corn cob spikers
--- Attacked by blob monsters out of the sky
--- Picks up an item/powerup and uses it to fend off enemies
--- Gets momentarily overwhelmed and then recovers
9. Makes it to the building where he works
10. Hurries inside and slams the door behind him   (Close up)[Relaxed music again]
11. Sits down and relaxes for a moment
12. A swarm of enemies that he has encountered burst in   [Intense music again]
13. Pixalo is overwhelmed and his health gauge is reduced to zero
14. A "Game Over" screen is displayed