
My 8-Bit World is a 2D/3D stop-motion animated short-film by Gareth and Jishaal. It will attempt to explore the concepts of 'the relation between 2D and 3D animated space' coupled with  'anthropomorphism' and 'metamorphosis'.

Our vision involves an 8-bit character, a-kin to a two-dimensional sprite you would find in a old Atari or NES game. This character will be interacting with the environment in the style of a platforming game, with some elements changing and morphing (metamorphosis) as he faces three-dimensional everyday objects/obstacles(anthropomorphism) on his journey. Together this ties in with the concept of 'the relation between 2D and 3D animated space' as My 8-Bit World will make use of 2D paper models/cut-outs interacting with 3D objects.

8-Bit is a term used in computer science to label a computer chip in terms of processing power and how much information can be stored. However, in this context we are speaking in relation to 8-bit color, where each pixel is represented by one 8-bit byte. The maximum number of colours that can be displayed at any one time is 256, which gives us the colour palette below. 
(source: Wikipedia)
Our character will be created using these colours, as we are going for 8-bit aesthetic style prominent in the earlier days of gaming (1980's) where games were created to run on these 8-bit chips.