
The idea behind our animation is influenced by popular old-school platformer games of the 80s/90s such as Super Mario Bros and Jump Bug. These were side-scrolling where the aim was to get from one side of the level to the other by the means of jumping to and from suspended platforms. Since these games were in 2D, we are attempting  to bring that style of these games and apply 3D elements to give it depth. This in turn will enforce the concept of 'the relation between 2D and 3D animated space'.

The reason behind choosing 8-bit is that we find something aesthetically pleasing about this style of art in gaming/animation. It is simple but manages to get the overall point across, and is easy to animate. This is much different from the more ultra-realistic 3D graphics used in modern day animation today. By using stop-motion we can create animation that is similar to the look and feel of these vintage games.

Historic Influences

L’Idea (The Idea, 1932) by Berthold Bartosch

The above is an stopmotion cutout animation made in 1932 by Berthold Bartosch. It features paper/cardboard cut-outs that have been meticulously crafted and are quite well conceived considering the era it was created in. There is some layering of the 2D characters in relation to other objects and the background which manages to give some sort of pseudo depth to the whole animation. Sound has been worked well with slow instrumental music during relaxed scenes which becomes more fast paced during chaotic and busy scenes. This has been an influence on us and is what we will attempt to achieve with our animation.

Modern Influences

This videos shows stop-motion animation using lego bricks. It is a homage to 8-bit art style which is achieved rather well using the lego and is a good example of the concepts of 'the relation between 2D and 3D animated space' and 'metamorphosis'.

This videos shows stop-motion animation using paper-cutouts in 8-bit style, similar to what we are striving for.  We like it how it starts of slowly but then hits a sudden change of pace as the character progresses down the slide.  Our animation will be bright and colourful like this using the 8-bit colour palette. 

Character Influences

Castle Crashers
